CFE, the umbrella group representing tax professionals in Europe, has detailed how there have been no amendments to any EU inheritance tax laws in response to the European Commission's consultation in 2011 which sought to stop the unfair taxation of foreign estates.
The EU had issued two consultations (call for applications and consultations) on cross border tax issues in early Summer 2014, principally covering income tax and inheritnace tax, seeking examples of inconsistent rules in different member states leading to double taxation and discriminatation against taxpayers based on their nationality or residence or discrimination against the free movement of capital across the EU.
These consultations are a follow up to the recommendations made in 2011. They recognise the right of Member States' individual taxing rights and do not require harmonisation of rules within the EU but suggest small changes to legislation or administrative measures to allow a more flexible interpretation of existing rules.
There is more information on the issues outlined in the Commission website in the section on Taxation and Customs Union - taxation - personal direct tax - inheritance tax.